Saturday, July 6, 2019

Facebook Marketplace Tab – How to Get Facebook Marketplace Tab

Facebook Marketplace Tab – How to Get Facebook Marketplace Tab
Facebook Marketplace Tab refers to the marketplace located right on your Facebook app. This tab is the icon that stands as the marketplace displayed on your Facebook homepage. Through this tab, you can be able to engage in buying and selling with thousands of other people out there. This marketplace is currently filled with thousands of people who buy and sell on Facebook. If you have been a current Facebook user, then you should know that Facebook is now a marketing hub filled with millions of people who engage in buying and selling every day. Out of these millions, there are so many people who use the marketplace. They come to buy or sell using their Facebook app. The good news is that you too can get started right away.
Facebook Marketplace Tab
If you have got a small or big business you want to offer to the audience out there, then Facebook is out to help you. It is also right for people who want to shop for different categories of products. Just by using this marketplace on Facebook, you can be able to sell products and buy a wide range of amazing items – whether old or new.

What Is Facebook Marketplace?

The Facebook marketplace is a feature on Facebook used to access buying and selling of different categories of products. This is a feature that has been launched on your Facebook app. This feature is now available in about 85 countries, and Facebook users who reside in these countries can engage in buying and selling using their Facebook app.
If you are a business owner or marketer with a Facebook account, you can be able to sell your old or new products to buyers who need these products. This marketplace is also right for buyers too. Just with a few clicks on your Facebook app, you can place orders for your favorite items.
Right from your couch, desk, sitting room and wherever you are, as long as the Facebook Marketplace Tab is available on your Facebook account, you can access the world of buying and selling on Facebook.

Where Is the Facebook Marketplace Tab?

This marketplace tab is located right in your Facebook app. Using your Android, IOS, and Computer device, you can be able to find and access this tab. Once you click on this tab, it takes you directly to the marketplace. Here, you will have to buy products from sellers, or sell your products to others.
This tab has been launched on the Facebook app, but not in all countries. It is currently available in 85 countries. So, if you want to find out if this Facebook marketplace is now available on your Facebook app, you have to follow the processes in the next part of this article.

How to Get Facebook Marketplace Tab

This tab can be found and accessed only if the marketplace is in your location. Using your Android, IOS, or Computer, you can find and make use of the marketplace. Let’s see how you can access this tab on your Facebook app.
Facebook users with Android devices, will find the marketplace tab existing as a shop at the top of their homepage. You just have to click on the icon that looks like a shop. This takes you to the marketplace.
People with IOS devices have to click on their menu button. On the menu list, select Marketplace. From here, you can engage in buying or selling.
With your computer device, you have to visit the Facebook website and log in to your account. On the left side of your homepage, you will find the Marketplace. Tap on the Marketplace tab and get into the world of buying and selling!


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